What can I do about mood swings?

I’ve been having mood swings lately. My girlfriend gets mad at me because one minute I’m being nice and sweet towards her and the next minute I start yelling at her. It’s for no apparent reason, I don’t mean to but it just happens. I’m stressed from work because I’m leading a presentation for possible investors. I’m not sure if the stress is getting to me or what. I was never like this with my girlfriend before. What can I do about this?

One thought on “What can I do about mood swings?

  1. Thank you for asking your question regarding your recent mood swings towards your girlfriend.

    I am encouraged that you have stated a possible reason for your mood swings in your text. You have also indicated that this is unusual for you to act this way.

    This leads me towards accepting your question regarding whether this is due to your recent stressful position at work.

    What it is probably not:

    If you had not stated a possible reason, and had told me that you had been experiencing these mood swings for a long while, I might have concluded that you these were manic and depressive symptoms, and would have encouraged you to go in for an assessment with a therapist to test you for bipolar disorder, or a lesser disorder. I also do not think you have an anger management problem.

    Your outbursts/mood swings are most likely related to your present work situation.

    This is what we need to deal with:

    In general, while we do of course work to make money, work should be a source of motivation, and satisfaction – making you feel good. If work stress is starting to cause you problems in your personal life, you need to take a serious look at what is happening and find a solution. (thanks for contacting me!)

    Basically, if you like your work, you will need to look at how you can develop better coping skills. There are many types of stress, some will make you perform better, others will do the opposite. If you are not enjoying your work, then you might want to look for another job.

    Let’s consider that you are in the first category, that you like your job, but do not want it to negatively impact your life.

    First, I would like to recommend some links that I like. I know it will take some time to read through these, but this is a collection of the best methods we know, so if you take the time to read these, you will be well on your way towards recovery.

    Help guide for stress at work
    Coping with stress at work (advice from the APA)

    Next, please consider short-term counseling

    You may not be open to online or face to face counseling, but the main idea behind why counseling works is because a therapist is not your friend, not your family, and not your co worker. It is very satisfying to speak to a stranger about your work / family issues as their only mission is to help you develop better coping skills, and to help you work out solutions.. You will never be judged, and your meetings will be private. This is not in any way an indication that you have mental illness. Rather, it is a possible solution to removing this negative situation.

    Lastly, be please be encouraged by the fact I do not think you are suffering from a disorder, and expect you will see quick relief if you follow my advice.


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